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Showing posts with label Heather Mills. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Heather Mills. Show all posts

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Heather Mills has blown nearly �10million of her huge divorce settlement in only SEVEN MONTHS, according to The Sun.

She spent the dosh on plush properties, lavish holidays and a staff wages bill of �500,000.

The former porn star � dubbed Mucca � was awarded �24.3million in March after her six-year marriage to Paul McCartney.


Monday, March 17, 2008

Heather Mills has been awarded a �24.3m divorce payout from meanie rocker Sir Paul McCartney, according to a court judgment released today.

She had sought �125m from the 60-year-old former Beatle, the judgment reveals, but received a fifth of that amount. McCartney had offered �15.8m. We mentioned this before here at DarkHat that Macca was being tight with his cash in regard to taking care of his ex and daughter.

Mills, 40, who married McCartney in 2002, said outside the high court in London that she was "very, very, very pleased" at the sum eventually decided on.

However Mills said she planned to launch an appeal tomorrow against a decision to make public Mr Justice Bennett's entire judgment, rather than just the summary released today.

Full details of the judgment have been withheld pending the appeal.

Soon after this announcement a number of changes to Heather Mills' official website have been made. Material from the old website was removed and soon after the judgement was made, a new site went online.

Removed content included articles entitled 'Paparazzi found guilty of assaulting Heather' and 'Heather Mills has today won a landmark victory in her fight to stop tabloid newspapers smearing her name with inaccurate stories'. They are stiil available to view at