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Showing posts with label Nicole Kidman. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nicole Kidman. Show all posts

Monday, March 17, 2008

Is it true Nicole Kidman's bodyguard got a bit heavy handed and lost the plot with a paparazzi photographer?

Well according to Holy Taco he did indeed and by all accounts from the video below he sounds like he gave him a few extra cracks on the jaw just for the hell of it.

So apparently a paparazzi for was following Nicole Kidman, when suddenly her bodyguard got out and basically slapped him around/beat the living daylights out of him. Roided up bodyguards LIVE for stuff like this. You gotta think, 99.9% of their job, they never get to punch anybody. So when that .001% happens, it�s punch city and you�re the mayor.