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Sunday, March 9, 2008

Please, please, please.......STOP. Unless you are emailing to say she's made a miracle recovery and is back to her old self then send them to someone else who cares.

Video of Britney this, video of Britney that, yawn, yawn, yawn.

I don't want to see it, I'm not gonna post it. You know who you are ;-)
As you probably know, a few blogs reported last week that Mischa turned down a role on Gossip Girl. However, a gossiping 'friend' of TheDarkhat has a source close to the show who says she never formally turned down the role.

Mike Ausiello reported that "For publicity ... Barton's peeps -- desperate to get their client's name in a headline that didn't include the letters "DUI" -- likely leaked the Gossip offer to remind the public of what an in-demand actress she is."

I've heard that this is absolutely true, as her announcement caught the show's EP's completely by surprise.

Mischa has a history of this behavior with her former O.C. boss; two years ago she slipped and told a reporter that Marissa was going to die before the episode aired. Thank God she's not going to be on the show--no spoilers!
So I got an email asking me to show this video - why the hell not, it's pretty comical.

I couldn't be bothered clicking the site mentioned to find out the answer, somebody can leave a comment and let me know.

I just read this crap on the BBC and couldn't stop laughing. If this is all LMP has to think and worry about then I reckon she needs some help, in the head department.

She is acting and sounding like a spoiled schoolkid, 'oh, they said I was fat' - big deal. Your head is in the clouds if you think your ass doesn't look like the side of a house woman. Get A Life!

Singer Lisa Marie Presley is suing the Daily Mail for libel over publishing an article alleging she is overweight.

The 40-year-old daughter of Elvis Presley said the story, which was widely republished worldwide, forced her to confirm she is expecting a baby.

Her UK laywer Simon Smith said claims that she had an "unhealthy appetite" and is "growing like her dad" had left the star "deeply upset and offended".

Presley called the press "disgusting" on her MySpace page.

The singer, who is issuing the libel claim against the Daily Mail's publishers, Associated Newspapers, at the High Court in London, also explained why she was forced into disclosing her pregnancy.

"I have had to show my cards and announce under the gun and under vicious personal attack that I am in fact pregnant," she wrote.

The announcement comes days after photos of Presley eating lunch in Los Angeles emerged in some newspapers poking fun at her weight gain.

"Once they got a glimpse of my expanding physique a few days ago, they have been like a pack of coyotes circling their prey whilst eerily howling with delight," said Presley.

She claimed publications in London, New York and Chicago wrote "false defamatory degrading stories" about why she could be putting on weight.

"Now that things are confirmed, hopefully they can stop all of the harassment and I can stop dodging the continuous bullets," she said.

Addressing other women she added: "You know if you were pregnant and you felt you were expanding uncontrollably by the moment as a result, and the worldwide media started badgering and harassing you for it, plastering you everywhere in an unflattering light, you would be mortified as well."

Now that things are confirmed, hopefully they can stop all of the harassment and I can stop dodging the continuous bullets.

Speaking to the Associated Press, her spokeswoman Cindy Guagenti said some of the stories had gone too far.

Monday, March 3, 2008

If you liked The Soprano's then you should find this funny, it's by some dude called Max who sends up Tony Soprano - he looks nothing like 'T' but he has all the breathing and patter right. Made me laugh that's for sure. - Watch more free videos
