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Wednesday, October 22, 2008

This weekend, the Justin Trousersnake told a dismayed audience in Vegas that "this performance of SexyBack will be my last" before announcing that he was "retiring" the song for good.

What? Retiring it? Why?

Find out here
Here's a picture of Christy Hemme taken shortly before her explosion onto the wrestling scene via the WWE Diva Search dancing in a small bar wearing only a bra and panties.

The leaked photo shows Christy appearing to be stripping off those panties.

Nice thought but probably total BS.

Apparently the reason behind the Jennifer Aniston and John Mayer reunion might have to do with the fact that Jen is expecting a baby.

The rumour mill has kicked into high gear about the possibility that Jenn might already be showing a bit of a baby bump.

Read more here
Guy Ritchie has accused soon-to-be ex-wife Madonna of being such a control freak that she�s been spying on him since the two officially separated.

He thinks Madge is using her staff to keep tabs on him and report back to her � which frankly doesn�t surprise him, since she�s always been so controlling.

Full Story
A rumour circulated last week that most popular actor in the world Will Smith once employed the services of a discreet Hollywood madam.

A madam who supplied him with men.

So what's the story then? Is he batting for both sides in secret or is someone out to tarnish his rep?

Gawker have the full story